The breakthrough program to help your struggling son learn & daven without strain.






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We believe every boy must feel part of the system.
We know every boy can experience more success in it.

And we’ve created a ground-breaking way to make that happen — via a one-on-one program that makes learning possible for boys grappling with chumash & gemara. Even if nobody else was able to help before.

Rabbi Yanky Kerpel


Close to two decades of changing the way parents & educators deal with boys who aren’t successful at learning.

Rabbi Kerpel is a student of Yeshivos Novominsk, Slabodka, and Beth Medrash Govoha. He also studied under some of the foremost professors in differentiated education at Felician College, including Rabbi Heshy Glass and Eliezer Vilinsky.

He spent many years training under the world’s top learning empowerment expert Rabbi Shaul Klein, and modelled Hani Mili utilizing his world famous CVS program. For many years, Rabbi Kerpel also had a close mentorship with him, and Rabbi Klein now consistently sends some of his toughest cases to Hani Mili.

Rabbi Kerpel is passionate about educating parents to intervene early before secondary issues like anxiety, depression and anger creep in — and empowering boys to feel in control of their davening & learning.

Rabbi Yanky Kerpel


Over 2 decades of changing the way parents & educators deal with boys who aren’t successful at learning.

Rabbi Kerpel is a talmid of Yeshivas Novominsk and The Slabodka Yeshiva. He studied under the foremost professors in differentiated education at Felician College.

He spent many years training under the world’s top learning empowerment expert Rabbi Shaul Klein, and modelled Hani Mili utilizing his world famous CVS program. For many years, Rabbi Kerpel also had a close mentorship with him, and Rabbi Klien now consistently sends some of his toughest cases to Hani Mili.

Rabbi Kerpel is passionate about educating parents to intervene early before secondary issues like anxiety, depression and anger creep in — and empowering boys to feel in control of their davening & learning.

Leadership and Advisory

Rabbi Shaul Klein

A pioneer and gamechanger in the chinuch world, Rabbi Shaul Klein spent 35 years proving that every Jewish boy, no matter what his learning disability is, can learn Torah on his own. After spending 10 years in Chush — a school for disabled children — developing cutting edge programs that were adopted by resource centers around the world, he designed CVS, the leading lashon hakodesh language enrichment system for struggling readers and learners, upon which Hani Mili fundamentals are based. Rabbi Klein has successfully taught over nine thousand boys and young men with a wide variety of learning disabilities to become able, fluent Hebrew readers and learners. CVS is currently employed by over 400 trained specialists worldwide, and more than 40 schools and resource centers worldwide - including Canada, Belgium, Africa, and many cities across the US. Its successful adoption across so many countries, cultures, age ranges and Jewish spectrums is testament to the program's revolutionary efficacy and success rate.

Rabbi Yerachmiel Milstein

Rabbi Yerachmiel Milstein has been a Senior Lecturer for Aish HaTorah's Discovery Seminars and Project Chazon for over 25 years. He has appeared before tens of thousands throughout North America, Israel, Europe, South Africa as well as at England's prestigious Cambridge University. A talmid of Bais Hatalmud, Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim and Mesivta Tifereth Yerushalayim, Rabbi Milstein lectures weekly at the New York Seminary and serves as the Rav of Congregation Ishay Yisroel in Lakewood, New Jersey.